Addressing Core Dysfunction

Heal Endo lays out the importance of a properly functioning core. While the words are helpful, a book simply can’t get across the best understanding of proper movement. For this, we need visuals, and who better to explain and demonstrate than core expert Dr. Angie Mueller?! Below she educates and demonstrates the importance of core function.


Proper posture is instrumental in correcting core dysfunction. Here, Dr. Angie helps explain what that actually means.

Step 2: Use your ribs

Ribs atrophied? Can only breathe into your stomach? Here Dr. Angie helps us understand why that’s a problem, and how to start breathing using your correct breathing musculature.

Step 3: Retraining the Deep Core

Does your belly poof out when you cough, or blow petals off a flower? Do you “loaf” when you do a plank or leg lifts? These are clues your deep core is not optimally functioning, and that excess pressure will be pressing down on your reproductive organs and pelvic floor with many of your daily movements. To retrain, you need to use your… breath.

Want to see Dr. Angie’s full program?? Check it out! Press the button below, and prepare to be amazed at just how transformed your core can be.